Main page Projects Thermal diagnosticsTechnologies


Information about the company

…… Type of organization: SPF, Company Ltd.

……Scientific-production firm "GAMMA" (founded in 1991). Develops innovative radioelectronic devices using laser and semiconductor technologies, produces human safety equipment.

……The company carried out some investigations in agreement to Moscow administration, Special Construction Office of the Moscow Energetic Institute, Physic & Technical Institute by A.F. Yoffe Russian Science Academy (St.-Petersburg), Research – Production Institute of space instrumentation, ecological funds in Stchelkovo, Institute of Radio electronics Russian Science Academy, S&P Institute “Platan”, R&P Institute on optic and physic measuring.

……Personnel: Staff is about 50 persons annual. All specialists were hiring on the contracts.

……During the “Gamma” existence (1992-2017) there was got 12 patents, 13 inventories; 5 devices were awarded of gold, silver medals and diploma 45, 46, 47, 48 and 49 World Exhibition of innovation, research and new technology, "Brussels EUREKA". Three devices were awarded of gold and silver medals 25, 26 and 27 "Salon International des Inventions Geneve". There were published 30 researching reports, were read 7 on the research-production conferences.

……SPF “GAMMA” is interested in cooperation with by the purpose realizations high technology projects.


Address: 141190, Russia, Moscow region, Fryazino, Zavodskoy proezd 2.

Tel/Fax: +7(495) 465 86 73; +7(9O3) 205 6997.
